Friday, 28 February 2025

Month of Ramadhan 1446 : 2025

Month of Ramadhan 1446 : 2025

Mubarak   -  Kareem 

Month of Ramadhan Mubarak : Kareem 1446 : 2025

​Salamun Alaikum

1st Month of Ramadhan  : UK  :

Saturday  1st  March, 2025  /  Sunday 2nd March, 2025


Prayer Times : London

Amals :

Aamale Shabe Qadr.

Salamun Alykum this Shabe Qadr we have created a single page application for all the duas and Amal for Shabe Qadr. You can listen to the duas and read all at the same time no need to download any application. Please use and share. 
Lovers of Ahlul Bayt. 
Team Islamicaudible 

Eid Updates : 

London . UK

So when will be Eid :​

Month of Shawwal  1446

1st Shawwal , 1446      

Monday   31st  March , 2025

In Sha Allah

Zakat of Fitrah : 


This page will be updated with more links , amendments etc . In sha Allah

Updates :  

Save our Hearing

Say No to Artificial Food Colourings

Moonsighting + Salams : Month of Ramadhan Mubarak : Kareem 1446 : 2025

Please scroll down for lots of Duas links 



Last Days of Month of Shaban

10 Special Things to Know and Do in Shaban | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli 

 : -

Munajat Shabanniya 


Majlises : Lectures


Check Qibla direction here :

Update :

In sha Allah --------------------------



Prayer Time tables :

London :


From Stanmore :


Index of Powerpoint Presentations

BEAUTIFUL Dua Iftitah -Recitor Abdulhai Qambar دعاء الافتتاح القارى الشيخ عبد الحي قنب


A Must-Read: Imsak vs. Fajr Time & the Ruling on Prayer-Time Apps
In Preparation for the Holy Month of Ramadan: A message regarding Imsak and the time for Fajr (morning) prayer and an...


​Search : 'Tafsir '  :​


​Links to Books online :

 Facebook page :

​Very Useful web site :​

Word by Word Quran ​


​New Quran Translation here

and other downloads : ​


Quran : Koran 

The Quranic Arabic Corpus - Word by Word Grammar ...

Tafsir Al-Mizan - Shia Source

Preface of Al-Mizan by the Author. In this preface we shall describe the method adopted in this book to find out the meanings of the verses of the Qur'an. at-Tafsir ...

3. Etiquette and Deeds of the Holy Month of Ramadhan

It has been narrated from the Commander of the Faithful Imam 'Ali [a][8] that: "Don't say Ramadhan because, you don't know what Ramadhan is. Whoever says so must pay charity and must offer an atonement fast, instead of saying Ramadhan, say the way Allah has called it the Month of Ramadhan."

​London :​


Quran Resource :

Stop/Sajadat - Bookmark
Wajib Sajdat & Stops Bookmark
A bookmark with the stopping signs necessary for the recitation of Qur’an on one side and information about the 4 wajib sajadat and 10 mustahab sajadat on the Qur’an.
pdf download


It has been narrated from the Commander of the Faithful Imam 'Ali [a]1 that:
“Don't say Ramadhan because, you don't know what Ramadhan is. Whoever says so must pay charity and must offer an atonement fast, instead of saying Ramadhan, say the way Allah has called it the Month of Ramadhan.
The most important duty of a devoted wayfarer in this great month is to understand the right of this Holy Month in which Allah (the Glorious, the Exalted), has invited the wayfarers of His path for a feast. Also he must understand the correct meanings of fasting and its relevance with Allah's invitation. Having discovered this reality he must endeavour that all his actions and deeds are accompanied with required devotion and sincerity in order to earn the pleasure of his host Allah (the Glorious, the Exalted).

Do not say “Ramadhan” only

On p. 232, Vol. 7, of Wasail al-Shi’a, and also on p. 69, Vol. 4 (old edition), of Al-Kafi, Imam Abu Ja’far al-Baqir (as) is quoted saying, "Do not say ‘this is Ramadhan,' or ‘Ramadhan has gone,' or ‘Ramadhan has approached,' for Ramadhan is one of the Names of Allah, the most Exalted, the most Great, and He neither comes nor goes; things that die come and go. Instead, you should say ‘the month of Ramadhan, for [in this case] the month will simply be identified, whereas the Name belongs to Allah, Exalted is His mention, whereas the month wherein the Qur'an was revealed is made by Allah a month for hopeful anticipation as well as of stern warnings."

Al-Majlisi quotes the same in his Bihar al-Anwar, citing Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi's Thawab al-A’mal wa ‘Iqab al-A’mal. Imam al-Baqir (as) here is simply repeating what the Messenger of Allah (S) had said as quoted by Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib, peace be upon him, thus: "Do not say ‘Ramadhan,' for you do not know what Ramadhan really is; instead, you should say just as the Almighty Allah has said in His Glorious Book ‘the month of Ramadhan,' and whoever says ‘Ramadhan' [only], let him both pay sadaqa (alms) and kaffara (atonement) so that his sin may be forgiven."1

  • 1.Al-Saduq, in his Connotations of the News, quoting Hisham ibn Salim. Also in Basaair al Darajat by Sa`d ibn Abdullah.


Quran   2000  Word to Word
Moon Related :

Lunar Phase  :-

Click here :

New moon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In astronomy, new moon is the phase of the Moon when it lies closest to the Sun in the sky as seen from the Earth. More precisely, it is the instant when the Moon ...


Views at time of opening this page  - Real Time :


 Sky above London at time of opening this email :

Sky above 51�30'N 0�W at Tue 2012 Jul 17 23:10 UTC

Map of sky above 51�30'N 0�W at Tue 2012 Jul 17 23:10 UTC

Click in map to aim telescope.
View horizon at this observing site.
Explain controls in the following panel.



A prayer (dua) on sighting the new moon of the Month of Ramadan

The new moon of Month of Ramadan is special to Muslims.

 It announces the start of the Holy Month and the beginning of the blessings and
 mercy associated with Month of  Ramadan.

According to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (as), whoever sees the new moon of
Month of Ramadan should recite the following prayer/dua:

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
My Lord and your Lord is Allah, Lord of the worlds.
O’ Allah let the new moon bring us, peace and faith, safety and submission, and a
hastening towards what You like and are pleased with.
O’ Allah bless us in this month of ours, and give us of its good, and its assistance.

Keep us away from its harm, and its evil, its difficulties, and its trials.



Importance of Dua

Dua Sahar  : 

Dua Baha : 

Dua sahar (Arabic only )


Short Dua for Every Day


Dua Joshan Kabir 

Many more here :

Dua Iftetah :


Dua Abu Hamza Thumali - Recited by AbdulHai Qambar

More here :

Many Duas here :

Including duas for each day of the Month of Ramadhan  :


Abather Alhalwachi

Various Dua Simaat


10 Tasbihaat - Abdulhai Qambar

It is recommended to say the following invocation everyday in the Holy month of Ramadan and also at any time of the year. It consists of ten parts each part comprises ten phrases of glorification of Almighty Allah (swt).

Dua Tawba :


Transcript :


Various Duas from Ahlulbayt  TV



Dua Azmol Bala 

Dua Faraj

Al Hajj Murtaza Bandali : 

Ziyarat Waritha :

Ziyarat e Warisa by Abu Thar (Studio Recording)

Ziyarat Aminullah


Sayed Jalal Masoomi سید جلال معصومی


Prayer Times. Explanations in Urdu

Click on the gear at the top right corner and select the settings



Do not say “Ramadhan” only

On p. 232, Vol. 7, of Wasail al-Shi’a, and also on p. 69, Vol. 4 (old edition), of Al-Kafi, Imam Abu Ja’far al-Baqir (as) is quoted saying, "Do not say ‘this is Ramadhan,' or ‘Ramadhan has gone,' or ‘Ramadhan has approached,' for Ramadhan is one of the Names of Allah, the most Exalted, the most Great, and He neither comes nor goes; things that die come and go. Instead, you should say ‘the month of Ramadhan, for [in this case] the month will simply be identified, whereas the Name belongs to Allah, Exalted is His mention, whereas the month wherein the Qur'an was revealed is made by Allah a month for hopeful anticipation as well as of stern warnings."
Al-Majlisi quotes the same in his Bihar al-Anwar, citing Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi's Thawab al-A’mal wa ‘Iqab al-A’mal. Imam al-Baqir (as) here is simply repeating what the Messenger of Allah (S) had said as quoted by Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib, peace be upon him, thus: "Do not say ‘Ramadhan,' for you do not know what Ramadhan really is; instead, you should say just as the Almighty Allah has said in His Glorious Book ‘the month of Ramadhan,' and whoever says ‘Ramadhan' [only], let him both pay sadaqa (alms) and kaffara (atonement) so that his sin may be forgiven."1


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