Qibla Qiblah Direction : Sun Method
Qibla from Sun
It is not advisable to determine Qibla using compass specially for Orienting Masajid. The following method which uses the sun is more reliable. It has been observed for centuries and reported in many books by Muslims around the world that two times a year the sun comes overhead above Ka'bah. This is observational fact for centuries, and is used to set the correct Qibla direction in places far from Makkah by Muslims for last so many centuries. Those two dates and times are:
July 15 at 9:27 UT
When you observe the sun at these times (after converting it to your local time), you will be facing the Ka'bah giving you Qibla direction, because if there were a very high minaret over Ka'bah reaching up to the sky, then you will see it just like you are seeing the sun. Now, let us take a few examples. If you are in Islamabad, Pakistan (+5 hours time difference from Greenwich), the local time to observe the sun would be 2:18 pm on May 28, and 2:27 pm on July 15.
Similarly, if you are in Nova Scotia, Canada (-3 hours time difference from Greenwich), the local time to observe the sun would be 6:18 am on May 28, and 6:27 am on July 15.
If you are at a location that you cannot see the sun on the above mentioned two dates, then you can locate Qibla from the sun when it comes overhead at a point diametrically opposite of Makkah on the globe and look for the following two dates and times:
January 13 at 21:29 UT
Face toward the shadow from the sun at these times (after converting it to local time) and you will be facing Ka'bah. If you can see the sun but cannot see the shadow, put your back towards the sun and your face will be towards Qibla.
UK BST times : Meridian : Solar Noon at Kaaba , Makkah |
1st May, 2024 to 25th May, 2024 |
10.17 am |
26th May , 2024 to 31st May, 2024 |
10.18 am |
UK BST times : Meridian : Solar Noon at Kaaba , Makkah |
1st June, 2024 to 2nd June, 2024 |
10.18 am |
3rd June, 2024 to 7th June, 2024 |
10.19 am |
8th June, 2024 to 12th June, 2024 |
10.20 am |
13th June, 2024 to 17th June, 2024 |
10.21 am |
18th June, 2024 to 21st June, 2024 |
10.22 am |
22nd June, 2024 to 26th June, 2024 |
10.23 am |
27th June, 2024 to 30th June, 2024 |
10.24 am |
UK BST times : Meridian : Solar Noon at Kaaba , Makkah |
1st July, 2024 |
10.24 am |
2nd July, 2024 to 7th July, 2024 |
10.25 am |
8th July, 2024 to 15th July, 2024 |
10.26 am |
16th July, 2024 to 31st July, 2024 |
10.27 am |
August 2024
Sun will align directly over Kaaba, Islam’s holiest shrine
Qiblah direction from the sun (Most Accurate Method): The most accurate method for determining the Qiblah direction for mosques is the Sun. For most of the days at a specific time of the day, the sun shadow of a Sundial directly faces the Qiblah or the opposite of the S.D. shadow faces Qiblah direction. Also at noon time S.D. shadow or its opposite points to the Geographical North . These times can be calculated for everyday for any desired location. Most people do not have access to programs that calculate the time when the Sundial shadow (or the opposite) points to the Qiblah direction; therefore, we at the Islamicfinder have decided to provide this service to help all Muslims Insha Allah to determine the Qiblah direction accurately provided that they use very accurate watch (or GPS timer). Based on your location, the program provides you with the following table: | |
Sundial: The sundial is any straight vertical object which makes 90 degrees angle with the ground, e.g. Street's Lamp Posts. G.N.Time: The time when the Sundial marks Geographical North. It is also know as noon time. S.D. Shadow: The time when the Sundial Shadow points to Qiblah. Opposite S.D. Shadow: The time when the Opposite of the Sundial Shadow points to Qiblah. SD Shadow 90 degree: The time when the Sundial Shadow makes a 90 degree angle with the Qiblah. *: The Sundial or the opposite does not point to Qiblah on that date. |
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Qibla : Haram : Makkah
Latitude : 21.42255956943433
Longitude : 39.82618386667707
-------------------------------------------- According to the Rulings ofAyatullah al Uzama Syed Ali al-Husaini Seestani |
Rules of Qibla
Ruling 764. Someone who performs the obligatory prayers in a standing position must do so with his chest and stomach facing qibla, and his face must not divert a lot from qibla. And the recommended precaution is that his toes should also face qibla.
Ruling 765. Someone who must perform prayers in a sitting position must do so with his chest and stomach facing qibla, and his face must not divert a lot from qibla.
Ruling 766. Someone who cannot perform prayers in a sitting position must perform them lying on his side in a way that the front of his body faces qibla. Furthermore, as far as it is possible for him to lie on his right side, he must not lie on his left side, based on obligatory precaution. If both of these positions are not possible for him, he must lie on his back in a way that the soles of his feet face qibla.
Ruling 767. The precautionary prayer (ṣalāt al‑iḥtiyāṭ) and a forgotten sajdah or tashahhud (testifying) must be performed facing qibla. And based on recommended precaution, the two prostrations for inadvertence (sajdatā al‑sahw) should also be performed facing qibla.
Ruling 768. A recommended prayer can be performed while walking and riding, and if a person performs a recommended prayer in either of these ways, it is not necessary that he face qibla.
Ruling 769. Someone who wants to perform prayers must make efforts to find out the direction of qibla to the extent that he attains certainty about its direction, or that which comes under the rule (ḥukm) of certainty, such as the testimony of two dutiful people if their testimony is based on sensory perception and suchlike. If he cannot [find out its direction to this extent], he must act according to what he supposes to be the direction of qibla based on the position of the miḥrāb[1] of a mosque, or the graves of believers, or by some other way. Even if he bases his supposition (ẓann) on the words of an immoral person or a disbeliever who knows the direction of qibla by employing scientific principles, it is sufficient.
Ruling 770. If someone who has a supposition about the direction of qibla arrives at a stronger supposition, he cannot act on his first supposition. For example, if a guest has a supposition about the direction of qibla through the words of his host but he arrives at a stronger opinion by another way, he must not act on the words of his host.
Ruling 771. If someone does not have any means to find the direction of qibla, or despite his efforts he cannot arrive at a supposition as to its direction, it is sufficient for him to perform prayers facing a direction that he thinks could be qibla. Furthermore, the recommended precaution is that if there is enough time, he should perform prayers four times, each time facing one of the four compass directions [i.e. what he supposes to be north, east, south, and west].
Ruling 772. If a person is certain or supposes that qibla is in one of two directions, he must perform prayers in both of those directions.
Ruling 773. If someone who has to perform prayers in different directions wants to perform two prayers that must be performed one after the other, such as the ẓuhr and ʿaṣr prayers, the recommended precaution is that he perform the first prayer in those different directions and then the second prayer in those different directions as well.
Ruling 774. If someone wants to do something, other than perform prayers, that must be done facing qibla – for example, he wants to slaughter an animal – but he is neither certain nor has knowledge that comes under the rule of certainty about the direction of qibla, he must act on his supposition. If acting on his supposition is not possible, then it will be correct for him to perform the act facing any direction.
Qiblah direction from the sun (Most Accurate Method): The most accurate method for determining the Qiblah direction for mosques is the Sun. For most of the days at a specific time of the day, the sun shadow of a Sundial directly faces the Qiblah or the opposite of the S.D. shadow faces Qiblah direction. Also at noon time S.D. shadow or its opposite points to the Geographical North . These times can be calculated for everyday for any desired location. Most people do not have access to programs that calculate the time when the Sundial shadow (or the opposite) points to the Qiblah direction; therefore, we at the Islamicfinder have decided to provide this service to help all Muslims Insha Allah to determine the Qiblah direction accurately provided that they use very accurate watch (or GPS timer). Based on your location, the program provides you with the following table: | |
Sundial: The sundial is any straight vertical object which makes 90 degrees angle with the ground, e.g. Street's Lamp Posts. G.N.Time: The time when the Sundial marks Geographical North. It is also know as noon time. S.D. Shadow: The time when the Sundial Shadow points to Qiblah. Opposite S.D. Shadow: The time when the Opposite of the Sundial Shadow points to Qiblah. SD Shadow 90 degree: The time when the Sundial Shadow makes a 90 degree angle with the Qiblah. *: The Sundial or the opposite does not point to Qiblah on that date. The Compass Method: Most people use compass to determine the Qiblah direction; however, the compass has two major problems: a) The compass can be influenced by metallic objects in the vicinity (e.g. furniture); therefore a compass placed in different places in the same area can give different directions. b) The compass points to magnetic north. The magnetic north varies from city to city and varies with time as well, and therefore magnetic north can not be used to fix Qiblah directions for mosques. The computation of Qiblah is done by using the Geographical North. Then the values converted with respect to the magnetic north enable the use of the compass. These tables are available in small booklets with compasses for Qiblah direction. |
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Useful Qibla Locator :
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Numbers for Qibla Compass were updated in January 2010. US Naval Observatory has published more recent data on Magnetic Declination in December 2009. Moonsighting.com then recalculated Qibla directions for all the countires from Magnetic North. Remember, Qibla direction does not change; it is the change in the magnetic field, that causes the compass numbers for Qibla to change, because compass points to Magnetic North and not True North. Following is a list of countries in Alphabetical order, and under each country are the major cities in Alphabetical order. Along with each city is a number corresponding to the 40 zone compass. (If you have a Qibla Compass having numbers up to 400, use the numbers given here with a zero added, e.g., for 13 use 130). These are computed by Khalid Shaukat, consultant to ISNA (Islamic Society of North America). |
AFGHANISTAN Deh Bala 12 Herat 13 Jalalabad 12 Kabul 12 Kandahar 12 Kushka 14 MazareSarif 13 ALBANIA 26 ALGERIA 28, Except Adrar 30 Djelfa 29 Ghardaia 29 Mascara 29 Tiaret 29 ANGOLA 35 ANTIGUA 31 ARGENTINA 31 ARMENIA 19 AUSTRALIA Adelaide SA 9 Brisbane QL 10 Canberra NSW 11 Darwin NT 8 Hobart TAS 11 Melbourne VIC 10 Perth WA 7 Sydney NSW 11 | AUSTRIA Bregenz 26 Graz 25 Innsbruck 26 Linz 25 Parndorf 25 Salzburg 26 Vienna 25 Wien 25 AZERBAIJAN Baku 18 Ganja 19 Hanlar 19 BAHAMAS 33 BAHRAIN 13 BANGLADESH 9 BARBADOS 31 BELARUS 23 BELGIUM 26 BELIZE 34 BENIN 33 BHUTAN 10 BOLIVIA 31 | BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA 25 BOTSWANA 37 BRAZIL 30 BRUNEI 8 BULGARIA Burgas 24 Sofiya 25 Varna 24 BURKINA FASO 32 BURUNDI 38 CAMBODIA 8 CAMEROON 34 CANADA Calgary AB 39 Edmonton AB 39 Edmonston NB 31 Halifax NS 31 Montreal QC 32 Ottawa ON 32 Quebec QC 31 Regina SK 37 St. John’s NF 30 Saskatoon SK 38 Toronto ON 33 Vancouver BC 0 Winnipeg MB 36 |
CANARY ISLANDS 30 CAPE VERDE 31 CENTRAL AFRICAN REP. 35 CHAD Bardai 31 NDjamra 33 NDjamraF.Lamy 33 Sarh FtArchm. 34 CHECHNYA 19 CHILE 31 CHINA Beijing 8 Chongqing 9 Hong Kong 8 Shanghai 8 Urumqi 12 Wuhan 8 Xian 9 COLOMBIA 32 COMOROS 0 CONGO Brazzaville 35 Bunia 37 Bunianga 36 Goma 37 Kindu 37 KinshasaD.R. 35 Lubumbashi 37 Lusaka 38 Pointe-Noire 35 COSTA RICA 33 CROATIA 26 CUBA 33 CYPRUS 23 | CZECH REPUBLIC 25 DAGESTAN 19 DENMARK 25 DJIBOUTI 2 DOMINICA 31 DOMINICAN REP. 32 ECUADOR 32 EL SALVADOR 34 EL SALVADOR 34 EQUATORIAL GUINEA 33 ERITREA 39 ESTONIA 23 ETHIOPIA 0 FAEROE ISLANDS 26 FALKLAND ISLANDS 31 FIJI 10 FINLAND 23 FRANCE 27 FRENCH GUIANA 30 GABON 34 | GAMBIA 31 GEORGIA 19 GERMANY 26 GHANA 32 GREECE 25 GREENLAND 27 GRENADA 31 GUATEMALA 34 GUINEA 31 GUINEA BISSAU 31 GUYANA 31 HAITI 32 HONDURUS 34 HUNGARY 25 ICELAND 26 INDIA Agra 10 Allahabad 10 Amritsar 11 Bhopal 9 Hyderabad 8 Jamshedpur 9 Kolkata 9 Lucknow 10 Madras (Chennai) 8 Meerut 11 Mumbai 9 Mysore CITY 8 New Delhi 10 Patna BIHAR 10 Surat GUJRAT 9 TamilNadu 8 Trivandrum 7 |
INDONESIA (EASTERN) 8 INDONESIA (WESTERN) 7 IRAN Esfahan 15 Hamadan 17 Kerman 13 Mashhad 14 Najafabad 15 Qom (Qum) 16 Shiraz 14 Tabriz 18 Tehran 16 Yazd 14 Zahedan 12 IRAQ Baghdad 18 Basra 17 Karbala 18 Kufah 18 Mosul 19 Najaf 18 IRELAND 27 ISRAEL 23 ITALY 26 IVORY COAST 32 JAMAICA 33 JAPAN 7 JORDAN 23 KAZAKHSTAN 13 Almaty 13 Astana 15 Atyrau 18 Baikonur 16 Ural'sk 19 KENYA 39 KOREA NORTH 8 | KOREA SOUTH 7 KUWAIT 15 KYRGYZSTAN 13 LAOS 8 LATVIA 23 LEBANON 22 LESOTHO 36 LIBERIA 32 LIBYA 28 LIECHTENSTEIN 26 LITHUANIA 24 LUXEMBOURG 26 MACEDONIA 25 MADAGASCAR 0 MALAWI 38 MALAYSIA 8 MALDIVES 6 MALI 31 MALTA 27 MARSHALL ISLANDS 7 MAURITANIA 31 MAURITIUS 1 MEXICO Acapulco 35 Baja 38 Cancun 34 | MEXICO Chihuahua 37 Guadalajara 36 Hermosillo 38 La Paz 37 Mexicali Baja 38 Mexico City 35 Monterrey 36 Puebla 35 Tijuana 39 MICRONESIA 8 MOLDOVA 23 MONACO 27 MONGOLIA Olgiy 12 Ulanbatar 10 MOROCCO 29 MOZAMBIQUE Lichinga 39 Maputo 37 Quelimane 38 Nampula 39 MYANMAR (BURMA) 9 NAMIBIA 35 NAURU 8 NEPAL 10 NETHERLANDS 26 NEW ZELAND 14 NICARAGUA 34 NIGER 32 NIGERIA 33 NORWAY 25 |
OMAN Al-Jawarah 9 Al-Khasab 12 Muscat 10 Salalah 8 PAKISTAN 11 PALAU 8 PALESTINE 23 PANAMA 33 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 8 PARAGUAY 30 PERU 32 PHILIPPINES 8 POLAND 24 PORTUGAL 29 PUERTO RICO 31 QATAR 12 REUNION 0 ROMANIA 24 RUSSIA Izhevsk 19 Kazan 20 Leningrad 23 Moscow 22 Novosibirsk 14 Skovorodino 8 Vladivostok 7 Volgograd 20 Yekaterinburg 18 RWANDA 38 SAN MARINO 26 | SAO TOME & PRINCIPE 34 SAUDI ARABIA Abha 4 Dammam 13 Dhahran 13 Jeddah 30 Jubayl 14 Medinah 21 Riyadh 13 Tabuk 23 Taif 8 Yanbu 24 SENEGAL 31 SENEGAL 31 SERBIA 25 SEYCHELLES 1, 2, or 3 depending on location SIERRA LEONE 32 SINGAPORE 7 SLOVAKIA 25 SLOVENIA 26 SOLOMON ISLANDS 9 SOMALIA 2 SOUTH AFRICA 36 SPAIN 29 SRI LANKA 7 ST KITTS & NEVIS 31 ST LUCIA 31 ST VINCENT 31 | SUDAN Dongola 32 El-Fasher 34 Juba 37 Khartoum 35 Port Sudan 34 Wadi Halfa 30 SURINAME 31 SWAZILAND 37 SWEDEN 24 SWITZERLAND 26 SYRIA 22 TAIWAN 8 TAJIKISTAN 14 TANZANIA 39 TATARSITAN 19 THAILAND 8 TOGO 32 TONGA 10 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 31 TUNISIA 28 TURKEY Ankara 23 Diyarbekir 20 Istanbul 24 TURKEMENISTAN 15 TUVALU 9 UGANDA 38 |
UKRAINE Charkov (Kharkov) 22 Kiev 23 Odessa 23 U.A.E. 11 UNITED KINGDOM Aberdeen 26 Birmingham 27 Blackburn 27 Bradford 26 Cambridge 27 Cardiff 27 Edinburgh 26 Glasgow 26 Leeds 26 Leicester 27 Liverpool 27 London 27 Manchester 27 Oxford 27 Sheffield 26 UNITED STATES Alphabetical within State Anchorage AK 3 Barrow AK 4 Fairbanks AK 3 Juneau AK 2 Nome AK 4 North Pole AK 3 Richardson AK 3 All cities AL 34 All cities AR 35 All cities AZ 38 Berkeley CA 39 Burbank CA 39 Davis CA 39 Folsom CA 39 Fort Bragg CA 0 Fremont CA 39 Fresno CA 39 Los Angeles CA 39 Mission Viejo CA 39 Mountain View CA 0 Oakland CA 30 Palo Alto CA 39 | Pasadena CA 39 Sacramento CA 39 San Bernardino CA 39 San Diego CA 39 San Francisco CA 0 San Jose CA 39 Santa Clara CA 39 Santa Monica CA 39 Stockton CA 39 All cities CO 37 All cities CT 32 Washington DC 33 All cities DE 32 All cities FL 33 All cities GA 34 All cities HI 3 OR 4 All cities IA 35 All cities ID 39 All cities IL 34 All cities IN 34 All cities KS 36 All cities KY 34 All cities LA 35 All cities MA 32 All cities MD 32 OR 33 All cities ME 31 All cities MI 34 All cities MN 35 All cities MO 35 All cities MS 34 OR 35 Eastern cities MT 38 Western cities MT 39 All cities NC 33 All cities ND 37 All cities NE 36 All cities NH 32 All cities NJ 32 All cities NM 37 All cities NV 39 Eastern cities NY 32 Western cities NY 33 All cities OH 33 OR 34 All cities OK 36 All cities OR 0 Eastern cities PA 32 Western cities PA 33 | All cities RI 32 All cities SC 33 All cities SD 36 Eastern cities TN 34 Western cities TN 35 Amarillo TX 36 Austin TX 36 Corpus Christi TX 36 Dallas TX 36 El Paso TX 37 Houston TX 35 San Antonio TX 36 Waco TX 36 All cities UT 38 All cities VA 33 All cities VT 32 All cities WA 0 All cities WI 34 OR 35 All cities WV 33 All cities WY 38 URUGUAY 31 UZBEKISTAN 14 VATICAN 27 VENEZUELA 31 VIETNAM 8 VIRGIN ISLANDS 31 WESTERN SAHARA 30 WESTERN SAMOA 9 YEMEN Aden 3 Al-Mukalla 6 Hodeidah 4 Sanaa 3 ZAIRE (Dem. Rep. Congo) 36 ZAMBIA 38 ZIMBABWE 37 |
We are used to seeing the map of the world on a flat projection. Look at the projection of the world map, centered on North Pole. This gives an idea of the continents of the world, as to how are they actually related to each other. Looking at this projection, you will understand better, where Makkah is in relation to other locations of the world. Just look at Alaska and Saudi Arabia in line with North Pole. It means from Alaska the Qibla is almost due North. |
Qibla Direction from North America:Some people think that Qibla from North America is South-East. They are mislead by looking at the flat map. We all konw that the earth is more like a sphere. North Pole is a point from where every direction is South; there is no East or West from there. If you take a globe and stretch a thread from Alaska to Makkah, you will see that the thread passes by close to North Pole. So, the Qibla from Alaska will be towards North. On a flat map, it appears to be South-East from Alaska, which is not correct.If that is confusing, then let us think that there is a very high minaret over Ka’bah, so high that it reaches the sky. Everyone would agree that if we can see that minaret, facing to that is the direction of Qibla. Now, Allah (SWT) has provided that imaginary minaret in the form of the sun being at the top of that minaret. It has been observed for centuries that there are two days in a year (May 28 and on July 15) when sun comes exactly overhead Ka’bah at the local noon time. Muslims in many distant countries for centuries used to wait for these dates, in the hope to see which direction is the sun and then set the orientation of the mosques. Around noon time of Makkah, it is about 6 am in Nova Scotia, Canada and Maine, USA. The sun rises in those locations as it comes overhead Makkah at local noon time. Facing the sun on those two dates around 6 am gives the correct direction of Qibla from North America. Those who had observed this confirmed that they saw the sun in North East direction at the specified time and date. Therefore, it is correct to say that Qibla from North America is generally North-East, except from Alaska and California where it is close to North direction.The actual direction of the sun observed verifies with the angle calculated using Spherical Trigonometry for calculating the direction from one point to another. For the 48 contiguous states of USA, the Qibla is some angle between North and East; the angle varies from location to location. The precise value of what angle from North one should turn to face the Qibla can be calculated from Spherical Trigonometry, using Great Cirlce concept or shortest distance theory, assuming the earth is a sphere. The fact that the earth is a geoid (ellipsoid flattened at the poles) affects the results in negligible and practically immeasurable quantities. |
The Most Accurate Method to determine the Qibla directionwww.coej.org/.../627-the-most- It is not advisable to determine the Qibla specially for a Masjid using an ordinary compass. The following method which uses the Sun is more reliable and ...------------------------------ It is not advisable to determine the Qibla specially for a Masjid using an ordinary compass. The following method which uses the Sun is more reliable and accurate. It has been observed for centuries and reported in many books by Muslims around the world that two times a year the Sun comes overhead above the Ka'bah. This is an observational fact, and has been used by Muslims for the last so many centuries to set up the correct Qibla direction in places far from Makkah. Those two dates and times are: May 28 at 10:18pm BST July 1 5 at 10:27pm BST When you observe the sun at these times (after converting it to your local time), you will be facing the Ka'bah giving you the Qibla direction, because if there were a very high minaret over the Ka'bah reaching up to the sky, then you will see it just like you are seeing the Sun. For the protection of your eyes, please do not look directly at the Sun, just face the direction towards the Sun. ------------------------------
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