Arbaeen : Muharram : Safar 1445 AH : 2023
10th September, 2023
Marble Arch , London, W1H 7DX
Sky 745 , 733 , 787 , 789
Come and visit the largest peaceful Muslim gathering in Europe. It is held each year and tries to replicate the worlds largest peaceful gathering that takes place in Karbala, Iraq each year on the day of Arbaeen.
Find out why millions come together on the day of Arbaeen in cities across the world to honour the greatest sacrifice of Hussain ibn Ali, the grandson of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Marble Arch
London W1H 7DX
Please click here for :
Basic Ordinance Survey maps are free to use. You don't need to register or login. Just click on the map lower down.
Quran - Koran
Reciters Wanted
10th September, 2023 :
Children join the frontline
to hold
an alam , flag or lantern
in honour of Lady Sakina (as)
& lead the Procession
Please register online
Register to Volunteer at the 43 rd Arbaeen Procession UK
Fill in the form below:
Under 16s can now also volunteer:
The 43 rd Arbaeen Procession UK will be on Sunday 10 th September, 2023, from 12pm at Marble Arch, London. Insha'Allah.
JazakAllah Khayran
- Hussaini Islamic Trust UK
You can still donate blood at other centres :
Red Line shows Qibla direction :
Lost , Found , Missing , Meeting Point
At Imamia Medic Stand
Main Marble Arch Square
London W9 1QB, United Kingdom
140 Maida Vale, London W9 1QB, UK
"Hal min nasir yansurna?"
Why do the Sunnis Fast on the Day of Ashura? - Qazwini
"Wa Ja-A’lanaa Wa Iyyaakum Minat T’aalibeena Bi-Thaarihee Ma-a’ Waliyyihil Imaamil Mahdiyy Min Aali Muh’Ammdin A’layhimus Salaam"

Phone theft prevention
Thousands of mobile phones are stolen in London every year, most commonly through pickpocketing, table surfing, and more recently an increase in snatches by criminals riding on mopeds or electric bikes. Please ensure that all staff are aware and remain vigilant, particularly in the early morning and evening periods. Police run daily operations to target offenders and work with second hand retailers to crack down on stolen mobile phones being sold on.
Many phone thefts happen in the form of a ‘snatch’ where an offender will run/cycle/scooter past a victim and snatch their phone from their hand before they have a chance to react. Criminals look for an easy target, someone that is alone, wearing headphones or looking down into their phone whilst walking. When you’re out and about:
- Be aware of your surroundings
- Try not to walk along with your phone or valuables on show
- Avoid wearing earbuds or headphones
- Plan your route and use forms of transport that others are using
- Avoid shortcuts in isolated places
Kashmir Shias attacked by police on Ashura Day
I displayed a Blue Badge but I still received a PCN, why is this?
The full concessions given by the national Blue Badge Scheme do not apply when parking in the City of Westminster.
Along with 3 other boroughs in Central London (City of London, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, and London Borough of Camden, south of Euston Road), we are exempted from the scheme by legislation because of exceptional pressure on parking and road space.
For more information, please refer to the Blue Badge Scheme leaflet produced by the Department for Transport.
In the City of Westminster, Blue Badge holders cannot park in or on:
- single or double yellow lines
- Pay-to-Park bays without payment
- resident bays or specialised bays such as doctor bays, diplomat bays, police bays or hospital bays.
- suspended bays
- footway
- taxi ranks, bus stops or cycle lanes
- bays that are dedicated to one specific disabled driver
In Westminster, Blue Badge holders can park in:
- Blue Badge bays – free parking for 4 hours maximum during controlled hours, unless signposted otherwise (free parking for as long as necessary outside of these times)
- Pay-to-park bays with payment – badge holders are entitled to park for an extra hour after the expiry of a payment (bay maximum stay regulations must be observed)
The next bank holiday in England and Wales is19 SeptemberBank Holiday for the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II
On Sunday 25th September 2022 at The Arbaeen Procession in Marble Arch after Namaz Zuhr around 1pm
يا بقية الله السلام
يا بقية الله السلام
يا بقية الله السلام
This life without you/ has no meaning for me
This life becomes alive / when you are here for me / oh son of Ali
Chorus :
Salam my MAWLA
Salam from the children of your mother Zahra
Salam my MAWLA
We wait for you under the flag of our leaders
Salam my MAWLA
قلبي بدرب الانتظار
يُروىٰ بالأماني
يا نبعَ الحنانِ
تدري من زماني
ما قد حلَّ بي
حَيرانُ ليلي والنهار
ما لي من مُجيبِ
قُل لي يا حبيبي
تأتي عن قريبِ؟
يا فرجَ النبي
متى .. لُقياكَ متى ... يا ابن هل أتى
عجَّل اللهُ ظهوركْ يا ابن حيدرَ الفتى
Salam my MAWLA
Salam from the children of your mother Zahra
Salam my MAWLA
We wait for you under the flag of our leaders
Salam my MAWLA
We wait, for you Oh Imam, come back to us again
We are all your lovers, on your path we’ll remain
Like lovers of our Mawla Hussain
Even though we maybe young in our age
We’ll always remain
Do not see me as too young – For you I will rise up and re/main standing tall
Do not see me as too young – I make a promise that you will / not see me fall
Do not see me as too young – From the 313
you’ll see I’ll / answer the call
Salam my MAWLA
Salam from the children of your mother Zahra
Salam my MAWLA
We wait for you under the flag of our leader
Salam my MAWLA
Salam Farmande is different from what will be recited on Arbaeen 2022
Next Year : In sha Allah
Arbaeen : Muharram : Safar 1446 AH : 2024
1st September , 2024
Marble Arch , London, W1H 7DX