Ashura Procession
Friday 28th July, 2023 Start at 3.30 pm
Start Venue :
From Marble Arch , London, W1H 7DX
Going to
Holland Park ,
Procession Finishes at :
79 Holland Park, London W11 3SW
Then proceeding to
Islamic Universal Association
20 Penzance Pl, London W11 4PG
For Majlis and programmes at Majma
Marble Arch
Map with Qibla direction :
Ashura Procession
Monday 8th August, 2022 at 3.00 pm
Start Venue :
From Marble Arch , London, W1H 7DX
Going to
Holland Park ,
Procession Finishes at :
79 Holland Park, London W11 3SW
"Hal min nasir yansurna?"
Why do the Sunnis Fast on the Day of Ashura? - Qazwini
10th Day of Muharram | Ashura Day Maqtal | Sheikh Wael El Zain
"Wa Ja-A’lanaa Wa Iyyaakum Minat T’aalibeena Bi-Thaarihee Ma-a’ Waliyyihil Imaamil Mahdiyy Min Aali Muh’Ammdin A’layhimus Salaam"

Phone theft prevention
Thousands of mobile phones are stolen in London every year, most commonly through pickpocketing, table surfing, and more recently an increase in snatches by criminals riding on mopeds or electric bikes. Please ensure that all staff are aware and remain vigilant, particularly in the early morning and evening periods. Police run daily operations to target offenders and work with second hand retailers to crack down on stolen mobile phones being sold on.
Many phone thefts happen in the form of a ‘snatch’ where an offender will run/cycle/scooter past a victim and snatch their phone from their hand before they have a chance to react. Criminals look for an easy target, someone that is alone, wearing headphones or looking down into their phone whilst walking. When you’re out and about:
- Be aware of your surroundings
- Try not to walk along with your phone or valuables on show
- Avoid wearing earbuds or headphones
- Plan your route and use forms of transport that others are using
- Avoid shortcuts in isolated places
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