Eid Mubarak :
Amals :
Aamale Shabe Qadr.
Salamun Alykum this Shabe Qadr we have created a single page application for all the duas and Amal for Shabe Qadr. You can listen to the duas and read all at the same time no need to download any application. Please use and share.
Lovers of Ahlul Bayt.
Team Islamicaudible
Eid Updates :
London . UK
Please note: Start of Shawwaal will be in accordance with the guidance received from his eminence Ayatullah ul Uzama syed Sistani (may Allah grant him a long healthy life)
Hilal Statement: Shawwaal 1443AH – London, UK
Expect 1st Shawwaal 1443AH = Tuesday 3rd May 2022 London UK
The next new moon occurs on Saturday 30th April 2022 @ 21:28 BST.
On Sunday 1st May 2022, it can easily be seen, after sunset, with the unaided eye, in the United States and Central America,
On this day it may also be seen in parts of Canada and South America.
On Monday 2nd May 2022 the Crescent can easily be seen after sunset with the unaided eye in the rest of the WHOLE world.
For the Muqallideen of Ayatullah ul Uzama Syed Sistani (May Allah Protect him)
Expect 1st Shawwaal 1443AH to be on Tuesday 3rd May 2022
For Mu’mineen who are “Baaqee” on the Taqleed of Marhum Ayatullah Al-Khoei (May Allah Elevate his status)
Expect 1st Shawwaal 1443AH to be on Monday 2nd May 2022 [Please confirm with the Al Khoei Foundation]
So when will be Eid :
Month of Shawwal 1443
1st Shawwal , 1443
2nd / 3rd May 2022
Zakat of Fitrah :
Month of Ramadhan Mubarak : Kareem 1443 : 2022
Salamun Alaikum
This page will be updated with more links , amendments etc . In sha AllahUpdates :
Friday Khudba 29 April 22 Dr. Al Hajj Usama Al Atar
https://www.moonsighting.org.uk/en/https://www.moonsighting.org.uk/en/moon/17-sighting-reports/203-spot-the-moon-competition.htmlhttps://majlis.org.uk/category/moon-sighting/https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/4/12/ramadan-2022-fasting-hours-and-iftar-times-around-the-world---------------------------------------------------Moonsighting + Salams : Month of Ramadhan Mubarak : Kareem 1443 : 2022
Please scroll down for lots of Duas links
Last Days of Month of Shaban
10 Special Things to Know and Do in Shaban | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
: -
Munajat Shabanniya
Check Qibla direction here :
Update :
In sha Allah --------------------------
Prayer Time tables :
London :
Links to Books online :
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Facebook page : ************************************
New Quran Translation here
and other downloads :
Preface of Al- Mizan by the Author. In this preface we shall describe the method adopted in this book to find out the meanings of the verses of the Qur'an. at-Tafsir ...http://tanzil.net/#1:1
3. Etiquette and Deeds of the Holy Month of Ramadhan
It has been narrated from the Commander of the Faithful Imam 'Ali [a][8] that: "Don't say Ramadhan because, you don't know what Ramadhan is. Whoever says so must pay charity and must offer an atonement fast, instead of saying Ramadhan, say the way Allah has called it the Month of Ramadhan." -----------------------------------------------------------------
Quran Resource :
Stop/Sajadat - Bookmark Wajib Sajdat & Stops Bookmark A bookmark with the stopping signs necessary for the recitation of Qur’an on one side and information about the 4 wajib sajadat and 10 mustahab sajadat on the Qur’an.
It has been narrated from the Commander of the Faithful Imam 'Ali [a] 1 that: “Don't say Ramadhan because, you don't know what Ramadhan is. Whoever says so must pay charity and must offer an atonement fast, instead of saying Ramadhan, say the way Allah has called it the Month of Ramadhan.” The most important duty of a devoted wayfarer in this great month is to understand the right of this Holy Month in which Allah (the Glorious, the Exalted), has invited the wayfarers of His path for a feast. Also he must understand the correct meanings of fasting and its relevance with Allah's invitation. Having discovered this reality he must endeavour that all his actions and deeds are accompanied with required devotion and sincerity in order to earn the pleasure of his host Allah (the Glorious, the Exalted). --------------------------
On p. 232, Vol. 7, of Wasail al-Shi’a, and also on p. 69, Vol. 4 (old edition), of Al-Kafi, Imam Abu Ja’far al-Baqir (as) is quoted saying, "Do not say ‘this is Ramadhan,' or ‘Ramadhan has gone,' or ‘Ramadhan has approached,' for Ramadhan is one of the Names of Allah, the most Exalted, the most Great, and He neither comes nor goes; things that die come and go. Instead, you should say ‘the month of Ramadhan, for [in this case] the month will simply be identified, whereas the Name belongs to Allah, Exalted is His mention, whereas the month wherein the Qur'an was revealed is made by Allah a month for hopeful anticipation as well as of stern warnings." Al-Majlisi quotes the same in his Bihar al-Anwar, citing Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi's Thawab al-A’mal wa ‘Iqab al-A’mal. Imam al-Baqir (as) here is simply repeating what the Messenger of Allah (S) had said as quoted by Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib, peace be upon him, thus: "Do not say ‘Ramadhan,' for you do not know what Ramadhan really is; instead, you should say just as the Almighty Allah has said in His Glorious Book ‘the month of Ramadhan,' and whoever says ‘Ramadhan' [only], let him both pay sadaqa (alms) and kaffara (atonement) so that his sin may be forgiven."
-------------------------- Quran 2000 Word to Wordhttp://www.emuslim.com/Quran/Translation_English.asphttp://quizlet.com/11062840/quran-vocabulary-2000-words-flash-cards/#
Views at time of opening this page - Real Time : ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Sky above London at time of opening this email :
A prayer (dua) on sighting the new moon of the Month of Ramadan The new moon of Month of Ramadan is special to Muslims. It announces the start of the Holy Month and the beginning of the blessings and mercy associated with Month of Ramadan. According to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (as), whoever sees the new moon ofMonth of Ramadan should recite the following prayer/dua: In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.My Lord and your Lord is Allah, Lord of the worlds.O’ Allah let the new moon bring us, peace and faith, safety and submission, and ahastening towards what You like and are pleased with.O’ Allah bless us in this month of ours, and give us of its good, and its assistance.Keep us away from its harm, and its evil, its difficulties, and its trials. ---------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------- Importance of Dua
Dua Sahar :
Dua Baha :
Dua sahar (Arabic only )
Short Dua for Every Day
Dua Joshan Kabir
Many more here :
Dua Iftetah :
-------------------------------------- Dua Abu Hamza Thumali - Recited by AbdulHai Qambar
More here :
---------------------------------------- Many Duas here :
Including duas for each day of the Month of Ramadhan :
------------------------------------- Abather Alhalwachi
-------------------------------------- Various Dua Simaat
10 Tasbihaat - Abdulhai Qambar
It is recommended to say the following invocation everyday in the Holy month of Ramadan and also at any time of the year. It consists of ten parts each part comprises ten phrases of glorification of Almighty Allah (swt).
---------------------------------------- Dua Tawba :
Transcript :
Dua Azmol Bala
Dua Faraj
Al Hajj Murtaza Bandali :
Sayed Jalal Masoomi سید جلال معصومی
Prayer Times. Explanations in Urdu
Click on the gear at the top right corner and select the settings
-------------------------------------- On p. 232, Vol. 7, of Wasail al-Shi’a, and also on p. 69, Vol. 4 (old edition), of Al-Kafi, Imam Abu Ja’far al-Baqir (as) is quoted saying, "Do not say ‘this is Ramadhan,' or ‘Ramadhan has gone,' or ‘Ramadhan has approached,' for Ramadhan is one of the Names of Allah, the most Exalted, the most Great, and He neither comes nor goes; things that die come and go. Instead, you should say ‘the month of Ramadhan, for [in this case] the month will simply be identified, whereas the Name belongs to Allah, Exalted is His mention, whereas the month wherein the Qur'an was revealed is made by Allah a month for hopeful anticipation as well as of stern warnings." Al-Majlisi quotes the same in his Bihar al-Anwar, citing Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi's Thawab al-A’mal wa ‘Iqab al-A’mal. Imam al-Baqir (as) here is simply repeating what the Messenger of Allah (S) had said as quoted by Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib, peace be upon him, thus: "Do not say ‘Ramadhan,' for you do not know what Ramadhan really is; instead, you should say just as the Almighty Allah has said in His Glorious Book ‘the month of Ramadhan,' and whoever says ‘Ramadhan' [only], let him both pay sadaqa (alms) and kaffara (atonement) so that his sin may be forgiven."

In Preparation for the Holy Month of Ramadan:
A message regarding Imsak and the time for Fajr (morning) prayer and an important ruling on prayer times according to smartphone applications
To all believers, may you be protected by God Almighty,
Periodically we receive two of the same questions regarding the timings of prayer: one regarding how to establish the time of Imsak(abstaining from food) and the Fajr (morning) prayer, and the other regarding which of the many apps available for smartphones is the most accurate and dependable. The differences among the times given by these apps have caused disagreements among believers, particularly at critical times such as congregation prayers or Iftar in the holy month of Ramadan, amongst other examples.
We first would like to inform the believers that the offices and representatives of the Supreme Religious Authority usually use the time table provided by the “Leva Research Institute”, which is available on many smartphone apps. However, it should be noted, that establishing the correct times of prayers way is the responsibility of the individuals themselves, as they should attain the “knowledge” or, at the very least, the “certainty” that the time for prayer has come, before they start their prayers.
That being said, because of the disagreement among experts and the various calculations, the supreme religious authority, Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, may God prolong his life, says the following regarding the time of the Fajr prayer:
- As an obligatory precaution, a person who is not certain that the time indicated on the table is correct must postpone the Fajrprayer by 10-15 minutes after that time.
- As a recommended precaution, a person who is certain that the time indicated on the table is correct should postpone the Fajrprayer by 10-15 minutes after that time.
In addition, the time of Imsak is the same as the time of the Fajr prayer. There is no difference between the two times. However, in order to ensure the validity and correctness of their fasting, believers should refrain from eating and drinking for a short period of time before the time of the Fajr prayer and busy themselves with reciting the Qur’an or supplications until they are certain that the time of the Fajr prayer has come.
We ask God, the Glorified, to accept your worship and submission. May you have a blissful month of Ramadan.
--------------------------------------------------So when will be Eid :
Month of Shawwal 1443
1st Shawwal , 1443
2nd / 3rd May 2022
In Sha Allah

London : UK
Please Note:- Start of Mahe Mubarak Ramadhan will be in accordance with the guidance received from his Eminence Ayatullah ul Uzama Syed Sistani
(may Allah grant him a long healthy life, Ilaahi Aameen)
Hilal Statement: Mahe Mubarak Ramadhan 1443AH – London, UK
Expect 1st Mahe Mubarak Ramadhan 1443AH = Sunday 3rd April 2022 London, UK
The next new moon occurs on Friday 1st April,2022 @ 07:24 BST.
On Saturday 2nd April 2022; it can easily be seen after sunset with the unaided eye in almost the WHOLE world.
For the Muqallideen of Ayatullah ul Uzama Syed Sistani (May Allah Protect him)
Expect 1st Mahe Mubarak Ramadhan 1443AH to be on Sunday 3rd April 2022
For Mu’mineen who are “Baaqee” on the Taqleed of Marhum Ayatullah Al-Khoei (May Allah Elevate his status)
Expect 1st Mahe Mubarak Ramadhan to also be on Sunday 3rd April 2022
The Crescent Moon of the Month of Ramadan 1443 A.H. |
On behalf of Shia Muslim Council of Southern California, we would like to announce that the first day of Ramadan is Sunday, April 3rd, 2022. There were no naked eyewitness accounts of the new moon sighting at sunset on Friday, April 1st.
Key dates for the Month of Ramadan:- 10th Ramadan (April 12th): Death of Sayyida Khadija (SA)
- 15th Ramadan (April 17th): Birthday of Imam Hasan ibn Ali (as)
- 21st Ramadan (April 23rd): Martyrdom of Imam Ali (as)
- 23rd Ramadan (April 25th): Layali al-Qadr
We congratulate the entire community on this blessed occasion!
Zakat-al-Fitr Zakat al-Fitr should be set aside on the eve of Eid al-Fitr and paid on the day itself, which marks the end of the Month of Ramadan and is the first day of the month of Shawwal. A sum must be paid on a person’s behalf as well as on behalf of all those who are his dependents. This would also include any guests who are staying overnight during the eve of Eid al-Fitr, under the care of the person. For every individual, the minimum given must be enough to feed one miskeen (needy person), which is the equivalent of 6.6 pounds of a popular basic food commodity such as rice or wheat (flour), as opposed to a cooked full meal. For 2022, the estimate cost per person for Zakat-al-Fitr is minimum $15. On the day of Eid, the zakat will be distributed to the poor. Therefore, pay your Zakat-al-Fitr in advance so SMC can coordinate distribution on Eid Day. Can we give Zakāt al-Fitr in advance? Yes, you can give Zakāt al-Fitr anytime during the month of Ramadan before the night of Eid, but the it’s mustahab to first give it as a loan and then to change your intention from it being a "loan" to "Zakāt al-Fitrah" when the time for giving Zakat al-Fitrah has entered. ----------------------------------- |
We also recommend to check our Staying Healthy During Ramadan Guidance prepared by Dr. Shakeela Shah. We pray that we are able to observe Ramadan safely with our community.
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