Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Solar Eclipse 10 th June 2021


Solar Eclipse 10th June , 2021

Salamun Alaikum

There will be a partial solar  eclipse on Thursday 10th June 2021 in London , UK.

The partial eclipse in London will begin at 10.08am and end at 12.22pm. The maximum eclipse will be at 11.13am. 

Salaatul Ayat is Wajib to be prayed between these times and it is better to be prayed before the eclipse starts to reverse.

News ;


What Does the Map Show?

The map shows the visibility of the annular solar eclipse on 10 June 2021. You can select any location to see the local type, date, and time of the eclipse. See how this eclipse looks in your city.

London UK

London, England, United Kingdom

Partial solar eclipse visible (19.99% coverage of Sun)
Magnitude: 0.3159
Duration:2 hours, 13 minutes, 45 seconds
Partial begins:10 Jun, 10:08:47
Maximum:10 Jun, 11:13:16
Partial ends:10 Jun, 12:22:32
Times shown in local time (BST)
More sun than clouds. Mild.
This day was cloudy 79% of the time (since 2000)


Total Solar Eclipse in the UK will be in the year 2090!

10.08am Thurs 10th June Partial Solar Eclipse in UKStart @ 10.08am; Max @ 11.13am & Ends 12.22pm.

See Solar Eclipse LIVE in the UK with astronomers from the Royal Observatory Greenwich

Ṣalāt al-āyātRuling 1470 2 perform Ṣalāt al-āyāt

Ruling 1486. Ṣalāt al-āyāt consists of two rakʿahs, and in each rakʿah there are five rukūʿs. & Ruling 1487 for Shorter method.


Maulana Sadiq Hasan - Namaz-e-Ayaat


2018 Notes - Explanations 

Salaatul Ayaat consists of two Rak'ats, and there are five Ruku in each.

Its method is as follows: After making niyyat of offering the prayers, one should say takbir (Allahu Akbar) and recite Surah al-Hamd and the other Surah, and then perform the Ruku. Thereafter, he should stand and recite Surah al-Hamd and a Surah and then perform another Ruku. He should repeat this action five times, and, when he stands after the fifth Ruku, he should perform two Sajdah, and then stand up to perform the second Rak'at in the same manner as he has done in the first. Then he should recite tashahhud and Salam.

Salaatul Ayaat can also be offered in the following manner:

After one has made the intention of performing the prayer (niyyat), he says takbīr and recites Sūrat al Ḥamd; then, he can divide the verses of the other surah into five parts and recite one verse or more, or even less, provided that – based on obligatory precaution – it is a complete sentence. He must start from the beginning of the surah and must not suffice with reciting bismillāh [on its own and count that as one verse]. Then, he goes into rukūʿ, raises his head, and without reciting Sūrat al Ḥamd he recites the second part of the other surah. He then goes into rukūʿ again, and so on until he completes the other surah before he goes into the fifth rukūʿ

For example,
 he may say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Qul a'oothu birabbilfalaq, and perform the Ruku.

He should then stand up and say, Min sharri ma khalaq, and perform another Ruku.

He should then stand up and say, Wamin sharri ghasiqin itha waqab, and perform the third Ruku.

Thereafter he should stand up again and say,Wamin sharri-nnaffathati feel'uqad, and perform the fourth Ruku.

Then he should stand up again and say, Wamin sharri hasidin itha hasad, and then perform the fifth ruku

 before standing and going to perform two Sajdah and then rise for the second Rak'at, the same way as the first Rak'at. At the end, he should recite tashahhud and Salaam after the two Sajdah. 


 When the prayer is about to start, someone should call 

out  :  As-Salat  ( the prayer ) three times instead of the 

adhan and the iqama.

The intention to perform the prayer for unusual natural 

events should include the specification as to whether the 

prayer is in time  ( ada’) or in ( qada )  .  The hands are 

raised to the ears and the opening takbir is pronounced.

There are two ways of performing the prayer for unusual 

events :

the longer ,

and the shorter.

In the longer way the worshipper should first recite  the 

sura al-Fatiha, then another sura , following which the 

first ruku is performed. Then after the worshipper has 

risen, the sura al-Fatiha is recited, then another sura,

 then a qunut, and then the second ruku.  This is repeated 

three more times, with a recommended qunut again before 

the fourth ruku.  After the fifth ruku , the worshipper 

rises and says :

Sami a llahu li-man hamida-h

God hears the one who praises him

and then beigins the sajda.

The two sajdas should be performed in the usual manner, 

and after them the worshipper rises to begin the second 

raka, whose five ruku are performed in the same way as 

those in the first rakat.  The reciting of the qunut is 

recommended before the first , third, and fifth ruku of 

the second raka. After the last ruku, the two sajdas are 

performed and the tashahhud and salam recited in the 

usual manner , and the prayer is finished.


The shorter way to perform the prayer for unusual natural 

events begins with the solemn intention and taqbir as in 

the longer way.

After reciting the sura al-Fatiha , the second sura is 

divided into five parts , one part being recited before

 each of the five ruku in the first raka. The second raka is 

performed in the same way. 

The sura al-Fatiha , in the shorter method is recited only 

once in each raka before the first ruku.

A convenient method is to choose the sura al-Ikhlas ( sura 

112)  and divide it up into its verses ( five , including the 

BI-smi llahi )

After performing the two sajdas, the second raka can be 

performed in exactly the same way