Urdu Duas
Concentration in Prayer
The main goal of this book is to educate the Muslims of the importance of The Five Daily Prayers and to explain how to create, develop and maintain concentration in Prayer.
Learning to Focus and Concentrate on your Daily Prayer A Complete 30-Day Workbook your daily obligatory Prayer. Also, this workout is to be practiced passively during the Prayer and ...
Rediscovering Salat (Prayer) w/ Sheikh Rizwan Arastu - Episode 01: Introduction
Ziyarat Ashura Word for Word
Al-Sahifa e Alaviya
Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib
This is a translation of 30 supplications for the days of the month taken from the Sahifah ... Days 21 to 30 are a personal address of the servant to His t Master ...
The Torch of Perpetual Guidance, an Exposé on Ziyarat Ashura of al-Imam al-Husayn b. Ali
This text is a gateway to understanding the essence and ettiquete of Ziyarat and Du'a, primarily Ziyarat-e-Ashura, which has then been singled verse by verse, and has been explained in detail. Ali Asghar Azizi Tehrani Saleem Bhimji Imam al-Husayn and Karbala Ziarat Aashurah Imam Husayn (a) -
Du’a After Ziyarat ‘Ashura - Du’a Alqamah Ziyarat ‘Ashura or Du’a Safwan. يَا اللّٰهُ يَا اللّٰهُ يَا اللّٰهُ، يَا مُجِيبَ دَعْوَةِ ...
Arabic & English Text of Ziyarat ‘Ashura In the Name of Allah, the Source of General Mercy to all Humanity, the Source of Specific Grace to the Believers Peace be upon you O’ Aba ‘Abdillah; Peace be upon you O’ son of the Messenger of Allah; Peace be upon you O’ son of the Commander of the Faith ...
Note From the Translator May the peace and mercy of Allah be upon you. This work, a brief expose on Ziyarat ‘Ashura was originally translated as a work which would be sent via email in a series of ‘weekly thoughts’. It is for this reason, that we decided to keep each section short and concise – 400 words at maximum. Obviously, ...
The Ziyarat of Imam Husayn of Ziyarat ‘Ashura. In this comprehensive visitation, we combine the concepts of Tawalla [Love for ...
This is a translation of 30 supplications for the days of the month taken from the Sahifah ... Days 21 to 30 are a personal address of the servant to His t Master ...
Ziyarat Al-Nahiya Al-Muqaddasa
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Salawat before and after supplication, so that Almighty Allah may accept your
supplication also for the sake of this Salawat, because the supplication for ...
An important collection of prayers, supplications and ziyarah that has been issued by the infallible imam of the age (may allah hasten his reappearance) or transmitted through him.
PDF file :
Arabic Large Fonts
Dua Sahifa and many others
Ziyarat of Ashura
Index of books in PDF
Salaat -e-Gufaila Ghufayla
PDF file :
Surah 21 Ayah 87 & 88
Surah 6 Aya 59
This man was very happy after hearing the advice from Imam and left. Syeda Zainab (sa) observing this, asked Imam Zeynel Abidin (as), how can such a great sin be forgiven? Imam Zeynel Abidin (as) replied, it cannot, and Allah (SWT) will make it such that this man won’t have the ability (Tawfiq) ever to perform this Namaz-e-Ghufayla prayer.
When Imam Zeynel Abidin (as) was asked once: How did you wake up this morning he replied: I woke up with eight things I am asked to do: Allah (SWT) wants me to perform the religious duties, Holy Prophet (saw) wants me to adhere to his sayings and traditions (Sunnah), my children want me to provide for them, my psyche wants its desires fulfilled, Satan wants me to follow him, the two angels want me to perform good deeds, the angel of death wants my spirit and the grave wants my body.
Jesus in Islam
Important Salawat
Allahumma salle 'alaa sayyidina wa
Muhammadiw wa aaleh,
Index of books in PDF
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recite the following dua'a by Imam Ali ibn abi Talib written in Sahifa. Alawiyyah. O
Allah have mercy on me to be able to leave disobeying you till I am alive.
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Chapter 1. Preface. “In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent the most merciful”.
The best of the praise and thanks belongs to the Almighty Allah, He created us ...
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Chapter 1. Supplication 1 - Praise of Allah Famous as ''Dua-e-. Yastasheer''. Ibna
tawus in his book Muhaj al Dawat and Kafami in his book Misbah narrate this ...
Salaat -e-Gufaila Ghufayla
PDF file :
Surah 21 Ayah 87 & 88
Surah 6 Aya 59
Imam Zeynel Abidin (as) and Namaz-e-Ghufayla prayer
Once a man after the tragedy of Karbala came into the presence of Imam Zeynel Abidin (as) and Syeda Zainab (sa) and said, Ya Imam, I am one of those who involvein the killing of your father in Karbala and I wished to be forgiven, hence advice, what I suppose to do to be forgiven? Imam Zeynel Abidin (as) thought about it and replied, to pray Namaz-e-Ghufayla prayer.This man was very happy after hearing the advice from Imam and left. Syeda Zainab (sa) observing this, asked Imam Zeynel Abidin (as), how can such a great sin be forgiven? Imam Zeynel Abidin (as) replied, it cannot, and Allah (SWT) will make it such that this man won’t have the ability (Tawfiq) ever to perform this Namaz-e-Ghufayla prayer.
When Imam Zeynel Abidin (as) was asked once: How did you wake up this morning he replied: I woke up with eight things I am asked to do: Allah (SWT) wants me to perform the religious duties, Holy Prophet (saw) wants me to adhere to his sayings and traditions (Sunnah), my children want me to provide for them, my psyche wants its desires fulfilled, Satan wants me to follow him, the two angels want me to perform good deeds, the angel of death wants my spirit and the grave wants my body.
The Prayers which should be Performed in Sequence - Dr. Sayed Khalil Tabatabai - YouTube
17 May 2010 - Uploaded by AlMujtaba Islamic Network - شبكة المجتبى الاسلامية
The Prayers which should be Performed in Sequence, Mustahab, Nafila, and Ghufayla Prayers - Issues #760 ...-----------------------------------------------------
Jesus in Islam
The Supplications of Jesus
Cure Possible By Reciting Qur'anic Verses.
patient was suffering from cancer a few years ago and the doctor
lost all hope for his cure. A pious woman wrote down for the
patient some various small verses of the Qur'an for the patient.
He kept reading the verses daily over some years and his cancer got
entirely cured leaving no signs of the disease.After getting cured
the patient in Abu Dhabi distributed photocopies of the verses
so that any Muslim who suffers from this horrible disease may
derive benefit from the verses.
is possible to cure cancer by verses from the Qur'an. The verses are
as follows:
Wa nunazzilu minal Qur'ani ma huwa shafaaun wa rahmatul lil
Mu'mineen (17:82).
Wa Izaa Maridhtu Fa Huwa Yashfin
Wa Qul Rabbi ghfir warham wa Anta Khairun Raahimeen (23:118)
Yujeebul Mudhtarra Izaa Da'aahu wa yakshifu Soo'a (27:62)
Qulna Ya Naaru Kuni Bardan wa Salaam alaa Ibrahim (21:69)
Wa Ayyuba iz Naada Rabbahu anni massaniya dhuroo wa anta arhamu
Fada'a Rabbahu Anni Maghloobun Fantasir, (54:10)
Laa Illaha Illa Anta Sub'haanaka Inni Kuntu mina Zaalimeen,(21:87)
Fastajbna Lahu wa najjainahu minal ghammi wa kazaalika
nunjilMu'mineen (21:88),
Inna Rabbi alaa kuli shai,een hafeedh (11:57)
Hasbuna Llaahu wa Ni'mal Wakeel, (3:73)
Wa tawakkal ala Llaahi wa kafaa billaahi wakeela, (33:3)
Alaysa Llaahu bikaafin Abdah (39:36)
Huwa Maulakum fa ni'mal maula wa ni'man naseer (22:78),
Alhamdu Li Laahi Rabbil Aalameen,
Ni'mal Maula wa ni'man Naseer
Tabaaraka Llaahu Ahsanul Khaliqeen,
Laa Haula wa Laa Quwata illa Billaaahi Aliyyil Azeem.
Important Salawat
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Muhammadiw wa aaleh,
maakhtalafal malawaan,
wa ta'aqabal 'asraan,
wa karral jadeedaan,
was taqbalal farqadaan,
wa balligh ruhahu wa arwaha Ahlibaitihi
minni tahiyyataw wa salaama
In the Name of Allah The Lord of the Mercy, the Giver of Mercy
' Allah send blessings upon our Chief and Prophet,
Muhammad (saw) and his Progeny,
Muhammad (saw) and his Progeny,
as long as the days and nights come and go,
as long as the dawn and the dusk succeed each other,
as long as the dawn and the dusk succeed each other,
as long as the days follow the nights,
and as long as the two stars of Ursa Minor approach each other;
and convey my greetings and salutations to his spirit
and the spirits of his household